Gilbert syndrome, 694
Gilbert, waiter, 536
GIP, 267
Gil, 611
2 2 0
Glanzman’s thrombasthenia, 841
Gliadins, 218
Glioma, sarcoma, 611
Gliomas, carcinomas, 611
Glipizide, 515
Globin chains, 645
y -
and 5-globin mutants, 670
Globosides, 409
Globular proteins, 54
a i-globulins, 951
-globulin, 951
/J-globulins, 952
-globulins, 952
Glomerular permeability, 951
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR), 349, 930
Glomeruli, 339
Glomerulonephritis, 832, 951
Glucagon, 233, 279, 280, 282, 290, 489,
490, 493,495, 505,714
Glucagon action, 232
Glucagon therapy, 281
Glucagon-like peptide, 493
Glucagon/insulin ratio, 278
Glucocorticoid excess, 756
Glucocorticoid pathway, 705
Glucocorticoid response elements
(GRE), 755
Glucocorticoid-remediable adosteronism
(GRA), 759
Glucocorticoids, 82, 279, 282, 391, 505,
711,749, 877
pharmacological effects, 756
Glucocortoid receptor, 603
D-glucofuranose, 135
Glucogenic, 279
Glucokinase, 228, 282, 283, 492
Glucokinase (Hexokinase IV), 226, 228
Glucokinase gene
transcription control regions, 229
Glucokinase-glucose sensor, 493
Gluconeogenesis, 212, 225, 232, 275, 276,
278, 281, 282, 290, 339, 502
pathway, 502
regulation of, 279, 502
Gluconeogenic pathway, 276
Gluconeogenic precursors, 278, 279
D-gluconic acid, 140
conformational formulas, 137
Glucose, 209, 211
entry into cells, 225
optical properties, 128
phosphorylation of, 226
sensor, 228
sources for, 502
tolerance, 499
D-glucose, 135
-phosphatase, 277
-phosphate transport protein, 277
Glucose homeostasis
fasted, 503
Glucose homeostasis during fasting, 499
Glucose isomerase, 146
Glucose metabolism
anaerobic, 278
Glucose oxidase, 139
Glucose tolerance, 500
Glucose transporter GLUT2, 290
Glucose transporter GLUT4, 289
Glucose transporter proteins (GLUT), 225
Glucose transporters, 492
Glucose-1-phosphate, 286
Glucose-1 -phosphate uridylyltransferase,
-phosphatase, 277, 278
-phosphatase deficiency, 282
-phosphate, 299, 498
conversion to glucose, 281
-phosphate dehydrogenase, 125,
6 6 8
-phosphate dehydrogenase
deficiency, 302
1 0 0
a-glucosidase, 514
Exo-l,4-a-D-glucosidase, 211
Glucoside, 143
D-glucuronate, 141
Glucuronic acid, 295, 296
Glucuronic acid pathway, 291
1 0 0
2 0 1
Glucuronidation of bilirubin, 692
Glucuronide conjugates, 201
Gluplasminogen, 861
GLUT 1,492
GLUT2, 226, 492
GLUT4, 227, 494, 515
defects in, 226
GLUT4 trafficking, 495
GLUT5, 226
Glutamate, 240, 280, 339, 340
transport, 216
Glutamate dehydrogenase, 336,
339, 493, 898
Glutamate excitotoxicity, 23
Glutamic acid, 23, 215
Glutaminase, 935
Glutamine, 26, 240, 332, 339, 508
transport, 216
y-glutamyl cycle, 216
у-glutamyl transferase (y-GT), 128
y-glutamylcyclotransferase, 335
y-glutamylcysteine synthase, 335
y-glutamyltransferase, 335
y-glutamyl transpeptidase, 335
Glutaric acid, 368
Glutaric acidemia type I, 368
Glutaric acidemia type II, 368
Glutaric aciduria, 353
Glutathione, 26, 272, 301
Glutathione peroxidase, 272, 302
Glutathione reductase, 272, 301,
6 6 8
Glutathione S-transferase (GST), 39,
40, 335
Glutathione synthase, 302
Gluten-containing foods, 219
Gluten-sensitive enteropathy, 218
/1-glycan, 322
Glycans (polysaccharides), 133, 147
Glycated hemoglobin (HbAlc), 155
Glycated hemoglobins, 674
Glyceraldehyde, 133
Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate
dehydrogenation of, 230
Glyceraldehyde phosphate
dehydrogenase, 230
dehydrogenase (G3PD), 98, 470
Glycerol, 234, 278, 279, 502
Glycerol kinase, 235
Glycerol-phosphate shuttle, 264
Glycerolipids, 401
Glycerophosphatides, 365
Glycerophospholipids, 402
Glycine, 18, 176, 333, 340, 347, 508
affinity for transport systems, 215
aspartate glutamine, 508
neurotransmitter, 18
titration, 27, 29
Glycocalyx, 199
Glycoconjugates, 162, 307
Glycogen, 139, 147, 225, 234
breakdown, 285
liver and muscle, 148
Glycogen metabolism, 283, 291
in muscle, 289
Glycogen phosphorylase, 286
control of, 290
Glycogen storage diseases, 291
Glycogen synthase, 289, 290
Glycogen synthase a, 286
Glycogen synthase b, 286
Glycogen synthase kinase-3, 287
Glycogen synthase kinase-4, 287
Glycogen synthesis, 283
Glycogenesis, 283
Glycogenin, 284
Glycogenolysis, 225, 283, 286, 290
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